BioGPS and BioThings renewal grant awarded
A good news about our recently awarded (to both the Wu Lab and the Su Lab) renewal R01 grant on...
MoreA good news about our recently awarded (to both the Wu Lab and the Su Lab) renewal R01 grant on...
MoreJust a quick highlight of our recent update on all pathway data in API. Thanks to...
MoreA few weeks ago, we released v3 API, which brings changes to exon field data...
MoreBefore the year-end holiday season of 2015, we released a new version of Python...
MoreThe default genomic locations of mouse genes from are always based on the current...
MoreLast week, we released a new feature to support querying genes beyond the species level, at...
MoreIn a typical query, you can query genes for one or multiple species by providing a...
MoreGRCh38 (or hg38) is the latest human genome assembly, which was released almost a year ago....
MoreMyGene.R, our official R client for web services, was just released as part of...